What To Expect at Your Child's Dental Appointment

Most children are not really interested in visiting their dentist, and this goes for lots of adults as well. However, it’s your duty as a responsible parent to keep your children’s oral health in optimum shape. The American Dental Association recommends that children should go to their first dental appointment within six months following the appearance of their first milk tooth.

If this is your first time bringing your child here at Pan Dental Care in Melrose, MA, for pediatric children’s dentistry services, here’s what you can generally expect during the visit.

What Happens During Your Child’s Dental Visit

Your pediatric dentist will inspect your child’s teeth to check for indications of decay or other potential issues and evaluate your child’s risk of developing common dental issues. You will be taught how to properly care for your child’s teeth. You will also discuss with the dentist relevant topics such as things that can harm your child’s teeth like habits like thumb sucking and improper bottle-feeding or sippy cup use.

Make sure to make the visit a positive experience to help ensure that succeeding visits will go smoothly. The better the experience your child has, the more security and trust they will feel at each dental appointment, which could, in turn, promote proper and lifelong oral hygiene habits.

What You Should Know About Pediatric Dental Care Basics

Following your kid’s first dental visit, they must continue going to the dentist for checkups and cleanings every six months as recommended by ADA. However, your child may need to visit your dentist in Melrose, MA, for certain pediatric children’s dentistry services if they have a high risk of developing cavities.

Routine dental visits could help minimize the chances of your child developing cavities because their teeth will be professionally cleaned to eliminate all traces of plaque. Fluoride and/or sealants will likewise be applied for further protection against decay. Your child’s teeth, oral tissues, and jawbone will be checked for any possible issues as well.

It’s also vital to point out that in some cases, kids will need to have certain dental treatments done even if they only have primary or milk teeth. These are truly necessary because cavities could be excruciatingly painful and milk teeth should be kept healthy as long as possible since they help your child speak properly, eat well, and ensure that permanent or adult teeth erupt in their proper positions.

Talk to Us To Learn More About Our Pediatric Children’s Dentistry Services

Book an appointment with your Melrose, MA, pediatric dentist here at Pan Dental Care by calling 781-665-5190.

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